Quest |
QP |
Odměna |
questy |
3 |
2.500 gp |
1 |
300 cook , možnost používat range v Lumbridge |
3 |
Silverlight sword |
1 |
1.300 mining , 180 Gp, přístup k Doricově kovadlině |
2 |
18.650 Strenght a Defense. Možnost nosit Rune plate a
Dragon body |
4 |
300 gp |
5 |
200 exp do Crafting a Gold bar |
1 |
12.750 Smith |
1 |
875 magic , amulet accuracy |
2 |
Gold ring , cut emerald , 450 gp |
3 |
700 gp , bezplatný vstup do Al Kharid |
1 |
1.125 prayer , amulet of ghostspeak |
5 |
1 |
Možnost těžit rune essence a trénovat Runecrafting |
1 |
150 craft , 60 gp |
1 |
600 gp |
3 |
4.800 attack |
1 |
325 magic |
Members questy |
1 |
1.000 Crafting , Fletching a Slayer XP, 2.500 Woodcutting
XP, a Ava's device. |
1 |
500 exp Def a HP, 500 GP, přístup do Dungeon of Tolna |
2 |
2x 2 500 exp dle výběru |
2 |
5.000 def , mining a smith , Rune pickaxe |
2 |
cca 700 ranged , cca 1.500 cook. Ogre bow + možnost
vyrábět ogre arrows |
3 |
1.500 thieving |
2 |
cca 7.000 agil, craft a smith. Přístup do Mos Le'Harmless
a Little Book o'Piracy (pro zdejší nákupy) |
1 |
500 gp |
1 |
5.000 Agility, 2.000 Crafting, 1.500 Construction |
1 |
7.000 xp Thieving 2x 7000 xp dle výběru ( Att, Str, Def, Hit,
Mag nebo Range) |
2 |
1.000 thiev , chaos ring |
2 |
7.000 Agility, 6.000 Thieving, 2.000 Construction, Tome of
Experience 3x 2000xp |
1 |
3.000 attack , steel claws + jejich výroba |
1 |
2.000 thieving a ranging |
3 |
20.000 magic exp, možnost používat Ancients staff ( +15
magic ) |
1 |
5.000 Fletching + Runecrafting a 6.500 Smithing. |
2 |
2.000 herb , 15.300 mining , 2 gold bary |
4 |
250 herb (skok na 3 lvl - nutný pro start skillu) |
1 |
750 exp crafting , možnost používat cannon a vyrábět
cannonballs |
1 |
11.000 herb , Trolheim teleport ( 61 magic ) |
2 |
2.500 XP Hunter, schopnost chytat ferrets a rabbits |
1 |
5.000 craft a smith , možnost vyrábět elemental shield |
1 |
7.500 xp Crafting a Smithing, schopnost vyrábět a nosit
elemental mind armor |
2 |
7.000 magic, mining, craft a firemaking. Camulet (4x
teleport do Desert temple) |
1 |
2.000 Crafting, 3.000 Farming, 1.500 Woodcutting, 4.000
Firemaking, množnost používat k cestování po RS balón. |
2 |
12.000 magic, 6.000 Runecraft, 2.500 Woodcut, 250
Construct, Crystal seed který se dá změnit na Crystal Saw (+3 construction) |
2 |
3.500 farming , 2.000 attack , 1.000 magic, Magic
secateurs (nůžky na farming) |
2 |
3.500 Herblore , 2.500 Thieving , Fairy Rings, 2.500 xp
dle výběru (lampa). |
1 |
Steel gauntless |
1 |
15 000 thiev , blackjack |
2 |
12.100 Att , 2.170 Thiev, 1.000 GP |
1 |
2.400 exp fishing, volný průchod pod White mountain |
2 |
5 000 cook a farming , 2x mature dwarven stouts (+2 mining
a smithing) |
1 |
5.000 Construct a craft, 10.000 Woodcut, 2x 10.000 exp
(att, str, def nebo HP), 14.000 Gp, Fremennik royal helm, Možnost těžit
runite v nové lokaci |
3 |
2.800 exp do : att , str , def , hp , agil , |
2 |
5 000 farm , 1 aple , 1 acorn a 5 guam seeds ,
supercompost vial |
1 |
pár xp cook. Dostanete kočičku, tak se o ní pěkně starejte
:-) |
2 |
2.400 pray , teleport do Port Phasmatys s nejbližší
furnace (tavírna) u banky v Runescape !!! |
2 |
1.500 Magic, thiev a fieremaking. 2.500 mining, smith a
craft |
1 |
1.000 craft a thiev , 2 safíry , emeraldy a rubíny |
5 |
18.400 attack , 7.900 agility 2.100 magic, možnost těžit v
Grand tree mine a cestovat letadlem |
2 |
5.000 exp dle výběru 6.000 Prayer 3.000 Crafting 2.000
Construction |
1 |
1.500 thiev, 9.000 craft. 84 kýblů písku denně pokud s
Bertem (každý den) promluvíte |
1 |
1.000 exp thiev |
2 |
22.000 Str, Salve amulet |
1 |
Expy do 11 skillů ( 1.500 - 3.000 ), vstup do Heroes guild
(dobíjení Glory amuletu) a schopnost používat dragon B-Axe a Maces |
2 |
cca 10.000 pray a def |
2 |
Prayer book a cca 4.000 ranged, magic a strength |
2 |
4.000 - 4.500 thiev , agil a wood. Catspeak amulet |
2 |
2.000 attack, def, str a craft. |
2 |
cca 600 att , def ,str , hp a craft. Zkratka do Morton |
1 |
cca 800 exp do herblore |
4 |
Expy do 4 skillu (lvl x 150). Možnost nosit Dragon shield
a Legends cape. |
1 |
3.000 mining , ring of life |
3 |
Přístup do Lost city - Zanaris. Možnost nosit D-dagger a
D-Long |
2 |
5.000 Magic a Runecrafting, přístup k oltáři pro výrobu
astral run (nelze přes Abys), možnost používat Lunar spell book. |
3 |
1.000 pray a craft, Enchanted key |
6 |
Meč Excalibur |
1 |
2.000 woodcutting , 8 Law run |
3 |
10.000 gp , 3 diamanty , 35.000 att + def |
2 |
1.000 att , 2.000 pray |
2 |
25 000 xp HP a thieving |
2 |
20 000 xp do agil, možnost vyrábět death runy. |
3 |
2.000 gp , craft exp |
1 |
10.000 Herblore, 5.000 Farming, možnost pěstovat herby na
novém políčku které Vám nikdy neuschne. |
2 |
cca 2.500 hp , def a craft , Silver sickle ( srp ) |
2 |
2.350 craft , 2 náhodné předměty |
2 |
2 x 10.000 exp dle výběru , ring na klíče. možnost přistát
letadlem v Feldip Hills |
1 |
2.400 mining , teleport do Ardougne |
1 |
1.400 pray, volný průchod do Canfisu |
1+1 |
500 cook a prayer exp |
2 |
4.500 thiev , přístup do Rat Pits minigames, možnost
vytrénovat Wiley nebo Lazy kočky. |
10 |
Quest má 10 jednotlivých částí a za každou je 1 QP a výpis
odměn je v návodu. |
1 |
1 000 pray, herb , agil. Gaze of saradomin , Initiate helm
( možnost koupit celý set ) |
3 |
13.000 Agil, 15.000 gp, Schopnost nosit Dragon halberd |
1 |
10.000 str , Crystal bow nebo shield dle výběru |
1 |
20.000 gp, 5.000 exp Agility, Slayer a Hitpoint. |
2 |
7 000 xp do pray, fish a farm. Holy wrench. |
1 |
6 600 str , očarování battle staff á 40 k |
1 |
cca 7 000 fishing , 25 oyester pearls |
3 |
2 000 herb a craft |
1 |
10 000 xp do jednoho bojového skilu dle výběru. Darklight
sword. |
4 |
3.000 gp |
2 |
3.845 craft , přístup do Shilo village |
1 |
3.500 xp Crafting, Thieving a Runecrafting. Přístup k
lepšímu templářskému armoru. |
2 |
8.000 pray , 1.000 thiev a magic |
2 |
10.000 Prayer, 15.000 Magic, 10.000 Fishing xp, 25.000 Gp,
a přístup do Piscatoris Fishing Colony. |
2 |
2.000 gp, 5.000 fish a cook, 2.500 att a str |
1 |
1.000 craft , Jednou týdně můžete hrát minihru která |
1 |
10.500 ranged , 8.000 fletch, Shiny key - MC Gruber woods |
2 |
2x cca 5.000 mezi smith , agil , thiev a fletch, výroba
darts , vstup do mining camp |
2 |
1.000 Construction, 500 Crafting a Thieving exp, přístup
do Creature Creation |
1 |
Vláda nad královstvím Miscellania |
2 |
11.500 attack , gnome defense amulet, spirit tree teleport |
1 |
1.700 thiev , 5 cook swordfish |
2 |
8.000 agil , 4.000 str , 1 diamond, 2 ruby a 4 emerald
(vše uncut) |
1 |
Law talisman - Jiným způsobem nelze sehnat !!! |
5 |
Exp agil a att dle lvl , 15 death a 30 fire run, Staff of
Iban , Klanks gloves |
1 |
5.000 slayer |
4 |
12.000 - 16.100 magic, 5.000 gp, Watchtower teleport (58
lvl) |
1 |
14.000 att + str , 2 gold bary , 2 cut diamond. 40 mithril
seeds |
4 |
6.300 hp |
1 |
2.000 ranged, fletch a herb, výroba brutal arrow |
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Enhancing the Beauty of Nature: Discovering Two Stunning Varieties of Flower Pots
(Stevennop, 7. 6. 2023 8:05)
Welcome to the world of pots, where practicality meets style and the natural world blends seamlessly with aesthetics. Pots are not just containers for your beloved greenery; they are an expression of your individual taste and a way to incorporate nature indoors. Whether you have a spacious garden or a compact apartment, planters offer a flexible solution for adding greenery and enhancing the aesthetics of any area. In this article, we will explore the extensive variety of pots available, their advantages, and how to choose the ideal one for your plants.
Pots come in various forms, sizes, materials, and styles, enabling you to create a customized look for your plants. From modern and contemporary designs to rustic and traditional ones, there is a pot to suit every preference and decor. Earthenware containers with intricate patterns, terracotta pots with their earthy charm, or contemporary metal and plastic options, the choices are limitless. Additionally, planters can be found in different sizes, from small tabletop pots for herbs and succulents to large floor-standing vessels for statement plants like fiddle-leaf figs or monstera deliciosa. The versatility of pots enables you to curate a plant collection that truly reflects your personality and style.
The benefits of using pots extend beyond their aesthetic appeal. These containers provide the necessary support and environment for your plants to thrive, ensuring optimal growth and health. With proper watering holes and suitable soil, planters allow excess water to escape, preventing root rot and overwatering. They also provide insulation, protecting plants from extreme temperatures and maintaining a stable environment for their development. Furthermore, planters offer the flexibility of moving your plants around, both indoors and outdoors, making it easier to adjust their positioning based on light requirements or changing seasons. In the upcoming sections, we will delve into the considerations for selecting the right pots and explore tips for their maintenance to help you create a thriving green oasis.
(Stanleysak, 6. 6. 2023 19:32)
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Enhancing Nature's Palette: Exploring Dual Stunning Varieties of Plant Containers
(Stevennop, 6. 6. 2023 9:56)
Welcome to the realm of planters, where practicality meets fashion and the natural world blends seamlessly with design. Pots are not just containers for your beloved greenery; they are an expression of your individual preference and a way to incorporate nature indoors. Whether you have a spacious garden or a cozy apartment, pots offer a flexible solution for adding greenery and enhancing the aesthetics of any space. In this article, we will explore the extensive variety of pots available, their benefits, and how to choose the perfect one for your plants.
Planters come in various forms, sizes, materials, and styles, allowing you to create a personalized look for your plants. From sleek and modern designs to rustic and classic ones, there is a planter to suit every taste and decor. Earthenware containers with detailed patterns, terracotta vessels with their earthy charm, or modern metal and plastic options, the choices are limitless. Additionally, pots can be found in different sizes, from small tabletop pots for herbs and succulents to large floor-standing vessels for statement plants like fiddle-leaf figs or monstera deliciosa. The versatility of pots enables you to curate a plant collection that truly reflects your individuality and style.
The advantages of using pots extend beyond their aesthetic appeal. These vessels provide the necessary support and environment for your plants to prosper, ensuring optimal growth and health. With proper watering holes and suitable soil, planters allow surplus water to escape, preventing root rot and overwatering. They also provide insulation, protecting plants from extreme temperatures and maintaining a stable condition for their development. Furthermore, pots offer the flexibility of moving your plants around, both indoors and outdoors, making it easier to adjust their positioning based on light requirements or changing seasons. In the upcoming sections, we will delve into the considerations for selecting the right pots and explore tips for their maintenance to help you create a flourishing green oasis.
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(Tryptin-pa, 4. 6. 2023 19:39)
Superb post however I was wanting to know if you could write a litte more on this subject? I'd be very thankful if you could elaborate a little bit further. Cheers!
American Wagyu: The Apex of Gastronomic Delight
(DonaldBroni, 4. 6. 2023 14:30)
As a highlight of global cuisine, American Wagyu sits as a testament to the heights that culinary excellence can achieve. Every aspect, from its careful breeding to the meticulous attention to its diet and living conditions, culminates in a dining experience that exceeds the ordinary. The devotion and passion that are invested in rearing these cattle are mirrored in the unsurpassed gustatory pleasure they provide, raising even the most simple meal into a real feast for the senses. Each taste of American Wagyu tells a story - a narrative of commitment to quality, passion for excellence, and a deep respect for tradition.
In conclusion, American Wagyu is not just a cut above the rest, but rather it represents the apex of beef production. The journey from its Japanese roots to the American heartland has strengthened its appeal and certified its status as an unrivaled culinary delight. Savoring American Wagyu is not just about enjoying a meal, but also about recognizing the heritage, craftsmanship, and unswerving dedication that changes an ordinary beef cut into an exceptional epicurean experience. From the pasture to the plate, every step in the life of an American Wagyu is designed with one goal in mind - to create the world's most luxurious, flavorful, and indelible beef.
Super Ace
(EugeneEnvew, 4. 6. 2023 13:42)
Prepare yourself for an exhilarating online bingo adventure with iRich Bingo. This innovative and immersive bingo platform offers players a chance to dive into a world of excitement, camaraderie, and, most importantly, big wins. With its unique features, free gameplay, and lucrative betting options, iRich Bingo is set to redefine the way you experience this classic game. Join us as we explore the captivating world of iRich Bingo and discover the boundless opportunities it holds.
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iRich Bingo's mobile-friendly platform ensures that the fun never stops, even on the go. Whether you're playing on your smartphone or tablet, you can enjoy a seamless gaming experience with iRich Bingo's responsive design and optimized gameplay. So, whether you're commuting, relaxing at home, or taking a break at work, you can always dive into the world of iRich Bingo and indulge in thrilling bingo sessions.
iRich Bingo is revolutionizing the online bingo landscape with its immersive gameplay, social engagement, and enticing prizes. Get ready to immerse yourself in a world of luck, laughter, and endless possibilities. Whether you're a bingo aficionado or new to the game, iRich Bingo offers an unparalleled experience that combines the excitement of bingo with the thrill of winning big. Join iRich Bingo today, unleash your luck, and prepare for a bingo journey like no other!
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